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Clock Picker

The Clock Picker is a specialized field type, select time in the clock picker field. This guide details the configuration options available to customize the Clock Picker field type according to your requirements.


Field Options

Clock Time FormatSpecifies the format for displaying the selected time.hh:mm:ss A for a 12-hour format with AM/PM display.
Clock Picker Library NameSelects the time selection library or component used for the Clock Picker field.Choose from predefined libraries or "Other" for custom configurations.
Clock Hand Selector AddressCSS selector identifying the clock hand element used for selecting time components in custom clock implementations.
Clock Meridiem List Selector AddressCSS selector for the element managing AM/PM selection in the Clock Picker field.
Active Clock ComponentsDefines the components (hours, minutes, seconds, meridiem) that are enabled in the Clock Picker field.Select hours, minutes, meridiem and seconds.
Address of the button to open the clockCSS selector for the button that triggers the clock interface for selecting time.
Enter Timer Submit Button Selector AddressCSS selector for the submit button used to confirm the selected time in the Clock Picker field.

Additional Options

  • Enable Button to Open Clock: Activates the specified button to open the clock.
  • Submit Button After Time Selection: Automatically submits the selected time into the form when enabled.

Clock Picker Library Name

  • MUI-V4 Time Picker
  • MUI-X Time Picker (React)

Examples of Clock Picker Libraries

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