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Math Actions

Sum (+)

Selector TypetrueElement Selector Type
Selector QuerytrueElement Selector Query
Field ValuetrueSum Number
Fetch the numbers to Sumtrue
Is convert string to number?false
Is the number in decimal?false

Subtract (-)

Selector TypetrueElement Selector Type
Selector QuerytrueElement Selector Query
Field ValuetrueSubtract Number
Fetch the numbers to Subtracttrue
Is convert string to number?false
Is the number in decimal?false

Multiply (*)

Selector TypetrueElement Selector Type
Selector QuerytrueElement Selector Query
Field ValuetrueMultiply Number
Fetch the numbers to Multiplytrue
Is convert string to number?false
Is the number in decimal?false

Divide (÷)

Selector TypetrueElement Selector Type
Selector QuerytrueElement Selector Query
Field ValuetrueDivide Number
Fetch the numbers to Dividetrue
Is convert string to number?false
Is the number in decimal?false


Selector TypetrueElement Selector Type
Selector QuerytrueElement Selector Query
Field ValuetrueValue
Which one should be counted?true
What do you want to count?true
Convert to Lowercasefalse
Remove Extra Spacefalse
Remove All Spacefalse


If there are values ​​in new line then use this \r\n for split values.

Calculate Math Query

Calculate math query with this field type.

Field ValuetrueValue
  • 2 + 3 * 4
  • (2 + 3) * 4
  • 2 + {$variable$} * 4

Released under the MIT License.