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Request Monitor

The request running in the background of the page can be detected through this field type.


Request URL
Request URL Type
Request Method
Timeout to Monitor Request
If you want to check the Request Status Code
Monitor Request in the background process

Request URL

The URL of the request is given in the value of this field. You can also give the URL in the default value of the field.

Request URL Type

The type of the given URL is given in this option.

  • Match with Full URL
  • Match with RegEx

Request Method

The type of method of the request is given in it.

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD

Timeout to Monitor Request

After completion of the time given in this, this field returns false. In this the time is given in seconds.

If you want to check the Request Status Code

After the request is completed, you can check the status code of that request through that option.

Monitor Request in the background process

By default this field waits for the request to be completed and the filler does not proceed until something changes to the element. But after turning on this option, it checks the completion of the request in the background and executes the filler next field.

After turning on this option, it checks the request in the background, then how to check whether the request has completed or not?

Next in which field do you want to check whether the request has been completed or not, you can use the option given below in the settings of the field in which you want to check.

Wait until the response status of the given request monitor fields comes

Released under the MIT License.