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Field Settings

When you edit the field, a sidebar opens like the picture given below, it contains the settings of the field. Some field settings are for a particular field type only.

Field Settings

Fill the values ​​like a typing tutor

Through this, you can type the value in the Input Field like a Typing Tutor and you can also set the speed of typing.

If Form is ASPX then Remove Input Behavior

This field setting removes the behavior of the element in the .aspx form.

Before filling the value in the field, clear the value of the field

If you want to clear the value of that field before filling the value in the field, then you can give that clear value in this setting.

If excel column value is empty then fill this default value

If the value of the field is not in the excel sheet then the value given in this setting is set in that field.

If you want to check in which field the default value is set, then you can find out from the color of the edit button of the field. If the color of the edit button is green then the default value is set in that field and if the color of the edit button is yellow then that Field does not have default value set. By the image below.

Field Default Value

If the default value is already set in multiple fields and you do not want the default value to be set in the field, then you can remove the default value in two ways -

  1. You can edit the fields in which Default Value is present and turn off the Default Settings.
  2. To ignore the default value from all the fields of the site, you can turn on the option of Ignore field default value in Site Settings. By the image below
Site Settings

Take the value of this field from another excel column

If there are two fields in your form in which the same value is filled, then you can create only one column in Excel Template and you can give the name of that column in this setting of the second field, then the second field value will be replaced by first field value.

Replace the field value according to the custom values

Through this setting you can replace the field value with multiple custom values. See the image given below, it has multiple rows and each row has two fields, Field Value and Custom Values.

Site Settings

In the field in which we have turned on this setting, if the value of that field is "Yes/Y" then the Field Value will change to "0" and if the value of the field is "No/N" then the Field Value will change to "1".

Through this you can change the Field Value in Excel Template as per your choice.

The custom value you set in setting will appear in the Field Custom Values column in the HELPING sheet of the Excel template. Like the image given below.

Site Settings

Paste Copied Value

Before using this setting, you will have to use Copy Field Type, only after this you can paste the value of the copy.

Before pasting, you can also modify the copied text through the options in the image given below.

Site Settings

Wait until element is found in the page

This setting does not allow the action of the field to proceed until the element given in the field is found in the page.

Wait until element is visible in the page

This setting does not allow the action of the field to proceed until the element given in the field is found and visible in the page.

Trigger Javascript Event

When you press keyboard key or click mouse button on the page or any element, JavaScript Events are executed, which you can trigger through this setting.

Every action has different events. More Details

Site Settings

Trigger Javascript Mouse Event

Trigger any javascript mouse event through this setting.

Site Settings

Skip field action if any condition is true

If any of the conditions given in this setting are true then the action of that field will not be executed.

Site Settings

Wait until the response status of the given element change fields comes

In this Settings, only the Field Name of Element Change Field Type can be given. This setting checks the status of the given field (After Field/Before Field) and if the field status is true, the filler proceeds.

Site Settings

Wait until the response status of the given request monitor fields comes

In this Settings, only the Field Name of Request Monitor Field Type can be given. This setting checks the status of the given field (After Field/Before Field) and if the field status is true, the filler proceeds.

Site Settings

If element value matches then fill the value otherwise skip the field

If the value of the element of the field matches with the values given in this setting then the Field Action will be executed but if the value does not match then the action of that field will be skipped.

Site Settings


If the value of the element is to be checked empty then the empty value will be represented by ''.

Skip field action if condition is true

If any of the conditions given in this setting are true then the action of that field will not be executed.

Site Settings


  • Element Visible
  • Element Not Visible
  • Element Exists
  • Element Not Exists
  • Element Value Matched
  • Element Text Matched
  • Element Attribute Matched
  • Element HTML Matched
  • Image File Name Matched

Skip field action if given field value matches

If value of the given field is present in the Field Values given below then the field will be skipped in that case.

Site Settings

If value of the field (Does the Beneficiary have Aadhaar Card?) is No/N in Excel then the field in which this condition is given will be skipped.


If you want to set blank/empty value then fill it with ''.

Is this field Required

If the field is required in the form then you can turn on this setting. If you have used Public Key {FORM-FILLED} to submit the form, then this key checks only Required Fields. If all the Required Fields are filled then {FORM-FILLED} Key will submit the Form, otherwise not.

Field Success Response Action

After running the field, if the response of the field is success then this setting is executed.

Field Response Action

Field Error Response Action

After running the field, if the response of the field is error then this setting is executed.

Field Response Action

Field Skip Response Action

After running the field, if the response of the field is skip then this setting is executed.

Field Skip Action

If error response is coming in the field then stop filler

If the Action Response of the field in which this setting is on comes in error, then the Filler Extension will stop.

If success response is coming in the field then stop filler

If the Action Response of the field in which this setting is on comes in success, then the Filler Extension will stop.

Search Strings and Execute Field Action

Execute Action on fields like Row Type

If this field is being used in a loop and the field has multiple elements

If the field is being used in Loop Field Type, then after turning on this setting, if the element given in the field is multiple in the page, then we will get one element through the index of the loop.

Do not fill the Status Color, element of this field

Ignore this field details in the Excel Template

After turning on this setting the field will not be inserted in the excel template.

Delay Time Before this field is Run

Delay Time (Milliseconds) before the field runs.


If you want random delay time then you can use Random Integer Variable. Use variable {{random.integer[1000][2000]}} for random milliseconds.

Delay Time After this field is Run

Delay Time (Milliseconds) after the field runs.


If you want random delay time then you can use Random Integer Variable. Use variable {{random.integer[1000][2000]}} for random milliseconds.

Released under the MIT License.